Prepare the beams, which will run along the inner side of the frame when raised:
- Measure the distance between the end posts in order to work out the length of beam timber required. Drop a new framing timber component on to the grid – move and rotate to align correctly, the top face of the beam touching the underside of the posts.
- For the ground floor beam, “cut” to fit flush with the posts. This would be the same if you were making a first floor too.
- For the roof beam, there will be an overlap on each side 0.6m (one module wide), so allow for this when you measure and cut the beam.
Bolt the beams together:
- When building, you will drill and bolt the beams together. In Sketchup, we can approximate this – just select the timber posts and beams making up the frame and make a group, which fastens them together.